You are either on track or off track, regardless – OWN IT !!
What do I mean by this? There are no more excuses. Perhaps, there was a shortage of stock, perhaps we had lockdowns, perhaps our competitors where desperate for listings so pitched at 1% commission. This may still be true, either in reality or in your own head.
The pathway is clearing, we can see the light, the activity is building; so will you get left behind or get back ON TRACK ?
Own your current reality because you are earning exactly what you are worth, or you would be earning more. The numbers don’t lie, however we are the first to lie to ourselves & let ourselves down.
It’s time to step up & use the controllable levers at our disposal, including – morning rituals, daily prospecting, chasing expireds, calling past buyers/sellers, following up past appraisals & focusing on our hot/chase list.
It took months to get off track but it will only take minutes to get back on track. It’s a shift in paradigm & energy + massive action.