Before every prospecting call, be aware of what your objective is & visualise the outcome. Favour this approach over using a script or dialogue as they all sound the same. What is an example? Calling an email enquiry with a phone number. Objective; beautifully...
The Real Estate Industry is a breeding ground for excuses. It blows me away & you know what I am talking about because we have all been guilty of it. It stops today! If you feel burned out, just work at 80% capacity for a couple of days & don’t feel guilty...
Don’t allow your ‘ideal day’ or ‘ideal week’ suffocate you! What do I mean by this? You don’t need to have every moment of every day planned within an inch of its life. You should have ‘themes of the day’, ie Tuesday is a listing theme or Thursday is a buyer theme,...
You are either on track or off track, regardless – OWN IT !! What do I mean by this? There are no more excuses. Perhaps, there was a shortage of stock, perhaps we had lockdowns, perhaps our competitors where desperate for listings so pitched at 1% commission....
Due to a high demand of property owners interested in discovering the current value of their home, I am booking in 6 FaceTime market appraisals per day. They only take 20mins & I promise it will be a positive breath of fresh air given the extension of the housing...