Adrian Bo Coaching

Adrian Bo Virtual Sales Manager – Regular Agent/EBU 1 on 1’s

Adrian Bo Virtual Sales Manager – Regular Agent/EBU 1 on 1’s

This Module is designed for sales offices or Super Teams who don’t have or can’t afford a full time sales manager. Also, if the Selling Principal is currently attempting to juggle sales & sales management. As quoted in the book ‘The One Thing’ by Gary Keller, ‘If you attempt to chase two rabbits, you will catch neither’. Any Principal attempting to list & sell, as well as manage their sales team are not focusing on their highest & best use. You are cannibalising your best dollar productive skill set & the opportunity cost of doing this is enormous.

If you do have a Sales Manager who has not been, or is currently not, a high profile successful selling agent, it is impossible for them to gain the respect & credibility from your sales agents.

This is where Adrian Bo comes into the picture. Given Adrian has 35 years of real estate experience with over 2500 sales behind him, as well as calling over 1500 auctions, he will make an immediate impact on your sales team, including yourself if you are a Selling Principal. Adrian will gain the instant relatability & respect of your sales agents.

This module includes;

  1. The sessions may be weekly, monthly or quarterly in your office or over zoom.
  2. Each session includes back to back 1 on 1’s with each agent or EBU as we put aside a half or full day.
  3. The first session will be a diagnosis on each agent or EBU & a prescription for adjustments along with immediate allocation of weekly KPI’s. There are 5 KPI’s – how much new pipeline data is added per week, how many dollar productive face to face meetings per week, how many proactive 45min uninterrupted prospecting sprints per week, how many listings & how many sales per week. I will allocate each agent/EBU with targets in each of these areas based on their current productivity & projected ability.
  4. Each agent or EBU must email me at the end of each week or on a Monday, for the previous week, the allocated KPI’s vs actual in all 5 areas.
  5. Each agent or EBU can contact me via email, sms or phone in an unlimited capacity in between each session, as I effectively become each agents personal ‘Sales Manager’ & mentor to support them on any real estate matter which may include – deal support, general sales management, headspace/mindset, buyer & vendor dialogue, team structure, listing dialogue, negotiations, case study trouble shooting, HR issues, etc. just no face to face with clients.

The fee for this Module needs to be agreed upon based on how many agents are in the team & the frequency required.

Please enquire with Adrian directly to advise him how many agents or EBU’s are in the team, along with your desired frequency, and Adrian will personally tailor a quote with a view to agree on a rate for this Module.

Or complete this form and Adrian will get back to you:

Coaching Enquiry

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